Health ● Medicare ● Dental ● Vision
*Do not enroll in health insurance without professional guidance!
Group Health Insurance
We bring the top insurance companies together to compete for your business.
Small group plans enroll 1-100 W-2 employees. Finding the right group insurance carriers are tough. Finding the right group insurance plan options can be even tougher.
Pre-65 Individual Health Insurance
Open Enrollment Starts November 1st – January 31st each year.
Covered California partners with licensed insurance agents to help reach and enroll the millions of Californians in need of health insurance coverage. With the upcoming changes in the health insurance market, individuals and small businesses need trusted advocates now more than ever. Agents representing Covered California must be trained and certified in order to sell Covered California Health Insurance Plans in the individual and small business markets.
Medicare Beneficiaries
Open Enrollment Starts October 15th and ends on December 7th each year.
Medicare Advantage . . .which ones are right for you? You might be new to Medicare or have been enrolled for many years. Each year brings new, different and challenging options that can effect your premiums and benefits. Did you know that Medicare Advantage plans will change each plan year. Their benefits, rates and doctor networks are adjusted to meet the new years agreements with Medicare. Now, more than any other time, it is important to meet with a certified specialist to review your options. The review is free and can save you time from researching your options on your own.
Medicare Supplement . . . did you know that if you live in California Medicare Supplement owners have an annual open enrollment? Yes, your birthday month. This is great news, especially when your current plan rates are going up. A specialist can show you options that will keep your same level of benefits and may save you money without medical questions. Yes, on a guaranteed issued basis. Ask us how this works.